Episode # 450, The Potential For CCP Cyber Attacks Against The U.S. And What We Can Do.

The Potential For CCP Cyber Attacks Against The U.S. And What We Can Do.

Preppers are often concerned about the effects that an EMP or a CME would have on our world.
CME is something over which man has no control.
EMP is a politicized weapon of war that would cause and immediate world war.

What if there is a weapon of far greater danger, and could be unleashed on a single country, and effectively destroy that country, without firing a shot?

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before a congressional committee on Wednesday January 1, 2024. In his testimony he stated the following:
“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities, if or when China decides the time has come to strike.”
He also said that "Chinese government backed hackers are targeting things like water treatment plants, electrical infrastructure, and oil and natural gas pipelines.”
He warned, “Chinese hackers are allegedly burrowing in computer networks at ports, energy plants, and other key infrastructure in the U.S.”

The hackers are believed to be deeply entrenched in the US infrastructure.
Additionally we have seen many ransom ware attacks across the US from small to medium sized cities, counties, and institutions to the very large institutions:
In 2021 alone, we saw attacks against Scripps Health System that caused interruptions to patient care and admin operations, Microsoft Exchange server what impacted thousands of organizations worldwide, T-Mobile, a data breach of customer information, and Colonial Pipeline that disrupted fuel supplies along the East Coast.
We have proven large-scale vulnerabilities and the hackers have discovered those vulnerabilities and taken advantage of them.
Numerous governmental agencies are actively trying to combat these attacks and are having some success, but as Wray stated they are outnumbered with about fifty hackers working for every agent assigned.

The good guys are doing a good job, but there is that law of probability. When defending against terrorist attacks, the good guys have to win every time but the bad guys have to win only once to have a victory.  One victory could potentially be devastating for the US and even for the world.  If the US economy crashes then the world economy crashes. It could make the Great Depression look miniscule in comparison.

We know that The CCP has eyes on invading Taiwan militarily to ‘reunify' it under CCP control. We know that the US has said that it stands with Taiwan. We know that there have been escalating tensions between the US and China as the US is currently seen to have weak leadership. We have seen provocations by the Chinese military against US aircraft and naval vessels as they test out the level of resolve by the US.

It stands to reason that if the Chinese were to launch a full scale attack against Taiwan that they would do whatever possible to make the US military ineffective in any assistance offered to Taiwan. That could mean a full scale cyber attack on the US preceding the launch of an attack.

We certainly hope that doesn't turn out to be the case, ) we REALLY hope we are wrong) but let’s look at what could happen if it does, and some things we can do to prepare.

Imagine for a moment:

Utilities could be shut down

Water systems could be shut down, stopping the flow of water, or altered those systems to allow non-processing of the water supply. Imagine unfiltered water being distributed to almost every household in America. The hospitals and funeral homes would be overrun.

Electrical systems could be shut down causing widespread blackouts across the country. The way the electrical grid is interconnected, shutting down just a few points would cause a domino effect plunging much of the country into darkness.

A major Communications systems shut down could silence our cell phone service, Internet service, television and commercial radio broadcasting systems.

Our transportation systems could be shut down by cyber attack.

Air Transportation:
Think about the problems and disruptions when a single airline has a company-wide computer problem for even a couple of hours. Consider the chaos and danger that would ensue following a total air traffic control system shut down. With no radar and no instrument landing systems some planes would likely crash and air travel would be totally shut down.

Rail and ocean shipping systems:
Problems similar to the devastation of an air traffic shutdown would occur in the rail and ocean shipping systems. Not only in the freight shipping, but also in passenger and subway systems. Train safety is dependent on colossal computing systems that communicate via the Internet and dedicated lines.
We would see supply chain issues because of disruptions in truck scheduling, food sourcing, processing, and delivery in local and regional grocery inventories

Shut downs of the financial institutions would shut down the stock market trading, The banking systems being shut down would mean that banks would be closed, debit and credit cards, and ATMs wouldn’t work

The question is, “What we can do?

We need to beef up our water preparations.
At a minimum, have a personal water filter.
Increase our water storage; the minimum is one gallon per person per day.
Don’t use empty milk jugs for water storage. They are nearly impossible to completely clean. No matter how hard you try, there are usually bacteria left behind to contaminate your stored water. They are also made of flimsy material intended for short term use and will spring leaks over time.

We purchase one-gallon containers of distilled water for the CPAP and the humidifier at the grocery stores. These are sturdier and we refill them for future use. We also purchase some 2.5 gallon rectangular with spigots. These are available in spring water or drinking water, and are stackable.

Covid showed us some empty shelves in the grocery stores. There was panic buying by the unprepared. We saw supply chain issues, ships not being able to be off-loaded. People could get food to eat, but not necessarily what they wanted.

Now would be a good time to increase the supply of foods you normally eat.
Canned goods, such as canned meats and vegetables, pasta, rice, beans are good.

If you do have the twenty-five year emergency foods, you can blend that into your meal plans so you aren’t eating a totally different diet.

Prepping for electrical outages
Have ways to charge your cell phone and devices. Power banks come in handy, and don't forget you can use car chargers.
Have battery back-ups for critical medical equipment such as oxygen generators, suction machines, CPAP and BiPAP machines.
Have an auxiliary heat plan. It might be a fireplace, wood burning stove, or indoor safe propane heater.
Generators come in a variety of sizes from a whole house system to enough to run a bare minimum of appliances.

You’ll need to have fuel
Keep your automobile gas tanks above half. You’ll need gasoline for generators, propane for heaters and for cooking, as you may need to use your grill. (DO NOT USE A GRILL IN AN ENCLOSED AREA).
Store propane or butane for camp stoves.
If you use LP for heating, keep your LP tanks filled to one half or more.
Keep firewood for fireplaces & wood burning stoves, and charcoal for grill or makeshift grill.

Cyber attacks could take out the banking industry through direct attacks on institutions or an attack on the Internet. ATMs may not be working, nor debit/credit cards.

We will be increasing our cash on hand as many places losing card processing could still take cash. Carry enough to get home in an emergency including gas and food on the road.

Communications would certainly be an issue. Cell phones and Internet would likely be down.
Have a communications plan, especially for receiving information.     AM/FM stations will get back online, as will TV, eventually.

We highly advocate for having radio communication options whether is HAM radio, GMRS, of even FRS to use for communication between neighbors.

If you would like more information on radio communications, drop us a message. We can help.

The above information is shared to help you understand what COULD happen not what we anticipate, and to help you think through your preps and make adjustments where you may be lacking.

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