Episode # 447, What We Wished We Had or Had More Of For The Arctic Freeze, Eldercare In Winter, And Making Oregano Oil

Segment # 1:

Items Needed During Snow/Ice/Extreme Cold

Much of the country is in the deep freeze this week, with many places seeing temperatures in negative numbers. We are on day four of being stuck inside, and the next two don't look very promising. We have not lost power, water, or gas, and we've eaten as we normally do.
We have turned the thermostats down a few degrees to conserve energy as requested by the electric company in order to avoid rolling blackouts.
We are layering our clothing, sleeping under an electric blanket. We've opened the cabinet doors and dripped the faucets to keep pipes from freezing.
We’ve been prepared and fortunate, but not all have been as prepared or as fortunate.

We asked this question in the Practical Prepping Facebook Group, and gleaned answers from other groups & forums:

“What did you wish you had, or had more of during this arctic weather event?"

Some of the answers we expected, others we didn’t.
The first was, snow melt sand, or salt for melting snow on walkways, steps, and patios.

Several mentioned more propane or firewood. One statement was that she learned, “We burn more firewood for heat than we do for ambiance – we need to beef that up.”

One answered, “Better provisions in the vehicle, particularly a shovel and blankets."

Glove liners were desired for working outside. They do provide more warmth and water resistance.

Interestingly, one answer was more Coke Zero. We understand. We thought this event would be a day or two, but it is continuing much longer than we initially thought. Many roads are impassable, and grocery deliveries are not be available. This is a consideration going forward.

We really didn’t expect the answer, "More insulation in the house," but it really makes sense. More insulation makes auxiliary heating much more efficient. It pays for itself over time with both heating and air.

We talked about Better way to provide heat for pets:
One person used a quart jar packed with Crisco with an inserted candle, under terracotta pot to heat a sun room.
My dad used a 200 watt light bulb in the utility room for our dog, and I've used the same to keep a detached laundry room from freezing. It didn't stay toasty, but the pipes didn’t freeze.

We talked about ways for keeping the pet’s water from freezing:

Krista used to sell pond deicers in her pet store, and says they can be used to keep watering troughs from freezing. We talked about heated buckets from the farm supply store, but the most unique idea was using a crockpot to keep chickens or pet's water from freezing. Just set it on warm

Segment # 2: 

Caring For The Elderly

We talked about some simple things in caring for elderly:

When the temp is low, but power is on:
Use small electric supplemental heaters for bedrooms and near chairs and meal tables.
House shoes and outer wear like comfortable robes and sweaters.
Encourage the elderly to sponge bath during freeze instead of taking a full bath.
Making sure they have lip balm and lotion for dryness.
Layering clothing and sitting under a blanket or throw will make them more comfortable.

Keep them active and engaged
In winter they cant easily get outside in the cold weather as it is just hard on them.
Being active and involved in church, as well as social activities will help.
Keeping them active during times they can feel bored. Reading - keep new books for them, puzzle books, adult coloring books are all good.
Many of the elderly grew up in an era when letter writing was the norm. Make sure they have pen, paper and stamps to write friends.

Give them an easy task everyday to help them feel useful. Dusting a room, sorting stored boxes of knick knacks, sorting photos and putting them in an album.

Be willing to spend time visiting, chatting, enjoying a movie on TV, doing laundry, cleaning, and being aware of specific needs, helps pass their day more enjoyably.
Order food in they can enjoy or involving them in meal prep can help them feel useful.

Segment # 3:

Homemade Oregano Oil

Credit to An Off The Grid Life author, Sarita Harbour

Link mentioned in the episode: anoffthegridlife.com

The  recipe and instructions:

Sterilized Mason jar
Equal parts dried oregano leaves and organic extra virgin olive oil
Set jar into boiling, off-heat water up to jar shoulder for 15 mins
Set in warm, sunny window for 2 wks, shaking every other day
Strain thru cheesecloth or colander to discard solids, place strained oil back into jar
Store in cool, dark location or fridge, will last for months
Great for everyday use or emergency med support

Healthy digestion -- place 1-2 drops in glass of water -- antimicrobial properties -- bile production, better food breakdown, antiparasitic, yeast infection, antibacterial
Pain -- anti-inflammatory, restorative to tissues, lubricative
Skin -- antifungal, antibacterial
Cough/sore throat -- healing, soothing, rub on chest for respiratory congestion
Nutrition -- add to salad dressings and sauces

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