Episode # 443, Defining 2024 Prepping Goals And How To Set Them

A ship doesn't leave the harbor without knowing where the next port of call will be. The Captain charts a course for the trip but makes course corrections along the way according to the winds and the currents, to be sure the ship arrives at the right harbor.
We're talking about setting our course with prepping goals for 2024 and how to reach them.

Goals must be SMART goals

S - Specific: Goals should be clear, well-defined, and focused.

M - Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable and have a way to track progress
and determine when the goal has been achieved.

A - Attainable: Goals should be realistic and within reach.
Ensure that your goals are feasible with the resources and time available to you.

R - Relevant: Goals should be aligned with your overall objectives and priorities.
Meaningful and contribute to your personal growth or desired outcomes

T - Time-bound: Goals should have a defined timeline or deadline. Setting a specific timeframe helps create a sense of urgency and provides a target to work towards.

Set Health and Wellness Goals

Focus on maintaining good physical and mental health. This can include setting fitness goals, learning stress management techniques, or taking up meditation or mindfulness practices.

One of Mark’s personal fitness goals for 2024 is this: "I will weigh 190lbs or less on April 30th."

(Currently Mark weighs 211 lbs)
"In order to reach that goal, I will eat a sensible diet, stick to an exercise schedule, be accountable to Krista and to our audience."

Setting Prepping Goals

Maybe 2024 will be the year for you to set some financial goals, start that emergency fund, or pay off debt.

More goals to consider could be completing your emergency binder.
Items to include would be your threat assessment, prepping plan, and how-to instructions.

Include contact info for your local utilities, non-emergency numbers for your local police department, sheriff's department, and fire department.

In your emergency binder it is good to include your plumber, electrician, insurance companies and information.

You could set some goals for your water plans. Considerations could be water storage or filtration options. Add a personal water filter for each person, or maybe save up to buy a counter top filter.

Food goals are always good. It might be a particular amount of food, or duration of time for which to prepare.
Include non-perishable food and add some long-term storage foods.

If you haven't already, build a lights out kit, or first aid kit and appropriate supplies -

Goals for gear and supplies might include building a get-home-bag, or a bug-out-bag. We plan to add a food dehydrator

Certainly include goals for emergency power options, which might include a battery-caddy and batteries. Certainly power banks need to be included. Solar options and battery backups would be good goals for many preppers.

A personal goal we have for 2024 is a solar charged, battery backup system for our ham radios and Mark's CPAP machine.

Good prepping goals to have are adding more skills. We can set a goal to add two or three new skills in our prepping. Those could include CPR, first aid, fire starting, gardening, outdoor survival, shelter building, communications, and water filtration skills.

This might be your year to set some communication goals. It might be a communication plan for your family and loved ones to use during emergencies. It could include and emergency contact list, or getting your ham radio license, setting up a  radio or GMRS radio system. You could also set a goal of actually learning to actually use those handheld radios you bought and put in your bag or on the shelf.

In conclusion, you determine the goals you want to set. The important thing is that you set some goals, not only prepping goals, but life goals.
GOAL setting is the same regardless of the goal.
Determine your goal, be very specific, break it down into small steps, set a completion date, and get started. Then review and update your goals as your circumstances might change.

Drop us an email if we can help you as you set your 2024 goals and set out reaching them.

Mentioned on this episode:

Magic Mind Productivity Shots

ProOne Gravity Water Filters

Stuff happens. Stay prepared.

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